You'll know which we and some of our visitors think are the best artist trading card groups if you've read our advice on how to swap artist trading cards, but what's your opinion?
There are lots of artist trading card swap groups out there, but which do you think is better than all the rest? Which group is the most friendly and active, with an exciting programme of swaps?
We're sure that many of our visitors will have their own particular favourite, and would like to tell their fellow enthusiasts all about it.
So now it's over to you…
Tell us which ATC swap group you think is the best. Perhaps it's one that we or some of our other visitors have already mentioned, or maybe an entirely different one. All that we ask is that you believe that this group is better than all the rest, and that you're prepared to tell us why!
It doesn't have to be 'War and Peace' (although longer contributions are more than welcome), just a few paragraphs to let us and our visitors know what's so great about your favourite art trading card group.
Here's what other visitors have told us…
Here are the artist trading card groups that some of our other visitors have told us are the best…
I like Swap-Bot
I think that Swap-bot is the best because it offers ATC groups along with those for many other swapping media - altered tags, altered playing cards, binder …
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